Project Mission

The project aims to bring crypto to the global network of LPG consumers and fix LPG retail market.

Efficient LPG deliveries

Investors and consumers, as cryptousers, decide on every action to whom assign productive resources based on their perception on the credibility of the issuer.

Bring millions to crypto

With a customer base of 1 billion orders per month, LPG is the main fuel used by households all over the world. Many countries are accustomed to live with delivery inefficiencies.

Currency and DeFi Services

A solid cryptocurrency, stable and deployed in a censorship-resistant platform can work as a foundation for DeFi services to help growth and enable crowdsolving

Contribute to Crypto

We think there is a high need of cheap and secure hardware wallets, beyond smartphone apps, to enable crypto become mainstream and not for a few geeks.

Boost Crowdsolving

Crowdsolving requires entrepreneurs, users and investors to be aligned. We have created a forum to allow anyone keeping track of crypto evolution in all areas. Visit cryptonomics forum.

Project Next Steps

As access to fiat money is increasingly restricted to citizens, we think there is an opportunity for crypto massification. However, we also think cryptoprojects must move to also cover basic needs of customers. This is what crowdsolving is about.

MVP created.

We have investigated the market in deep.

We have the know how to move the project forward.

We have connections with relevant stakeholders.

We have developed and alpha tested our MVP.

Beta testing

Our very first step is to make the project profitable by delivering physical gas ourselves as a proof of concept. This will provide the required level of funding and expertise.

Once we are able to physically deliver gas ourselves we will be able to validate our already developed MVP and refine the business processes.

Maybe build a filling plant in Peru to become provider independent.






Some relevant milestones in the project roadmap are discussed below

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Deployment Strategy

Despite every country is heterogeneous and has its own obstacles, we have create a methodology to enter without the need of political favors, high level contacts or privileges

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GasClick Radar

We analyse the conditions for each country and determine those more interesting to deploy. Some relevant criteria can be size of LPG market, demand of LPG prices, performance of deliveries, robustness of national currency, crypto friendliness of government, interest of customers

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Global Vocation

We intend to create a global community o LPG consumers across regions


Having an important customer base proposes some technological challenges, not properly solved by current state o arts in crypto.

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Censorship Resistant Coin

We analyze the conditions for each country and determine those more interesting to deploy

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Privacy Wallet

We analyze the conditions for each country and determine those more interesting to deploy


Below there is a list of initiatives, status and descriptions for the project. Click on every item for details. You can access the detailed market analysis here.


We think that reputation must be a key driver of a crypto driven economy. If reputation is lost, value of the currency is gone in favor of a better provider. GasClick thinks this is a requirement to make investors part of the core business decisions.

Countries to Deploy

GasClick will give opportunity to investors to determine what countries are covered

When a threshold of funding is crossed for some country we deploy the country

GasClick will provide a list of feasible countries

Transition to Stablecoin

GasClick will give opportunity to investors to determine what countries are covered

When a threshold of funding is crossed for some country we deploy the country

GasClick will provide a list of feasible countries

Frequent Questions

Some questions about CRYPTOGAS design are shown below.

Questions about GasClick Mission
Respuesta: CRYPTOGAS mission is using the LPG worldwide consumption as a tool to massificate crypto adoption
Questions about GasClick Roadmap
Respuesta: Para participar en el programa Beta Tester no es necesario ser cliente actual de GasClick. Cualquier persona u organización que tenga interés en participar, puede hacerlo.
Answer: No, it wont. The project will start operations as soon as funding hits the softcap in the pre-sale.
Answer: No, it wont. The project will start operations as soon as funding hits the softcap in the pre-sale.